There's a board for adorable babies...
One with great information for surrogates (or those considering surrogacy)...
Another with fun ideas for revealing baby's gender...
A board showing my support for equality...
Celebrities who have used surrogates...
(I seriously love these men)
Funny stuff...
And of course--plenty of Hey Girl surrogacy memes...
(BFP = Big Fat Positive. Meaning the surrogate
POASed -- peed on a stick -- and got a BFP!)
The only follower I currently have is please, help a girl out! Also, I want to say congratulations to my fellow surro blogger Alvina and her IP's on their BFP yesterday! And, congratulations to my real-life friend Michelle for giving birth to her second surro babe! Her IP's now have two beautiful little girls...those daddies are in for it now! Great job, ladies!
i just found out how to follow others on here so i added you on mine!!!