Friday, June 21, 2013

Weekend with Jeni!

In a few hours, I will be on a plane to Colorado to spend my birthday weekend with Jeni!

Jeni and I "met" back in February when I applied to be a surrogate with Circle Surrogacy. She helped me get through the pre-screening process, and I quickly began to realize we may have been separated at birth. We both majored in elementary education. We both have two daughters. We both are Janet Jackson fans. We both think organized binders with dividers are gorgeous.

So, fast forward to April, when Jeni starts trying to convince me to fly to Colorado for a weekend before I get knocked up with J&S's adorable baby (The little pea will be adorable--trust me!). Although meeting Jeni in person for a girl's weekend sounded amazing, I was still a little nervous about flying and/or fiery plane crashes into the side of the Rocky Mountains. So I didn't immediately jump at the suggestion. But after twisting my arm for all of, I don't know, four or five text messages, I was online searching for plane tickets. And within a day, I was clicking "Confirm Purchase" on Southwest's website! Squealing and happy dancing ensued in Florida and Colorado, along with strange looks and head shakes from my half-asleep husband (and I imagine some confused looks from Jeni's neighbors too).

A mere 58 days later (not like we were counting).....

Here I come, Jeni! WOO HOP!!!!!


  1. WOW! That is an amazing story of friendship! <3 Can't wait to hear about your trip! :o) HAVE FUN!

  2. You guys even kind of look alike. Maybe you are related ;)

    1. That's funny, Mandy! By the way, I need to thank you...I read your blog from start to finish on the plane ride back. It helped the four hours go by much quicker! :)
