Wednesday, August 14, 2013


My IF's just Skyped me to let me know that Dr. Lavy advised them to find another surrogate. He doesn't think I'd have a very good chance at a successful transfer with my thin lining. It doesn't mean I can't get pregnant successfully on my own, he just doesn't consider me an ideal candidate for IVF. 

So that's it. My match is "broken" after Skyping every Sunday for 4 months. I feel blacklisted by the RE and my agency won't rematch me because I no longer have the approval of the RE they work with (they only work with 2, and apparently the other one is much stricter).

I am feeling so many things right now, but mainly, I am pissed. I got ONE chance at a medicated cycle, where they made NO changes to my protocol (other than have me insert the estradiol vaginally when I was already half way through the cycle). It seems like we could have, at the very least, tried a medicated cycle again, with a more agressive estrogen amount from the very beginning.

I can't believe this is happening right now. I want J&S to have the family they dream of, and if that's not with me as their surrogate, that's okay. But I finally decided to become a surrogate, and I never even made it to a transfer. I did not see this coming after getting pregnant with both of my girls on the first try. It feels like something I HAVE to do. And I'm being told I can't, when I feel like I wasn't given a real fighting chance.


  1. Don't give up!! If it's a possibility, try another agency. Hugs Becca.

  2. I agree, dont give up. Ask Dr Lavy if you can do a natural cycle next. Check with your lawyer and your contract - does it say anything about how many cycles you have to try before its broken?

  3. Hugs!! I cannot believe this is happening to you too!! The "other" clinic is very strict too, I know because it is where I went. It is not fair!! I know exactly how you feel. Like it is the end of the line, but keep your head up, something WILL work out!!! Here if you need a chat.

    1. Thanks Katy! I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering what ended up happening with your journey. If you wouldn't mind sharing with me, email me at

    2. Most definitely. I will email you now.

  4. Katy does have a very similar sad/frustrating story. Keep your chin up. Just because it's the end of the line with Circle, doesn't mean that it's the end of the line for surrogacy.

  5. I just discovered your blog...I'm also a surrogate with a blog ( My lining the first time around also was too thin and resulted in a canceled transfer. We tried again and things started out the same way, but my lining thicken enough to do the transfer and actually was really good by the transfer date (just transferred on 8/27!). Don't give up....things will be different the second time around! Good luck!
